Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I figured since i have been wanting to be more frecuent with my blog i would let the few people that do read it know who i am:)

My name is Paola and i am 21 years old.

Im in a relationship with the greatest guy i have met in my life:)

anddddd here are just a few more of random pictures maybey you guys can figure me out;)

so there you guys go. i little gap into my life. i will try and update my blog with pictures of my day to day life its just a bit more of work:/

Saturday, November 5, 2011

more time

I now know why most baby showers are a surprise for the mom to be, STRESS! Geez the amount of planning and getting together that goes into getting it all together is amazing. It seems like there is not enough time to get everything done. I could of just stayed away from all of this but I do not like surprises at all. Since im home all day everyday now i figured it would give me something to do to make time fly by. Truth be told it has. My mom and i started planning this baby shower in august we figured three months would be enough to get this event up and running without having to feel rushed and its been great until the past two weeks. Now we just ned to get the accurate number of people attending (which is almost impossible), decide on the menu, finish the center pices for each table, and on the side line I need to finish moving in to our new place which im suppppperrr excided about :D I know its not much left to do but we only have four more days to do this. Yikes! moving honestly has a lot more work and effort but into it then I thought it would be. Thank the Lord that we are almost done with that we just need to get the new carpet instaled which by the way who knew carpet was so pricey and paint. this all has to be done by november 10th. Im going to try and relax be as calm as possible which i shoud be since i already 35 weeks pregnant and getiing bigger and bigger as the days go by aghhh im excided to have baby next to me already:)
till next time

Monday, October 10, 2011


i had originally made this blog to post about beauty and girly tings like that. however it has been a year or so and i am now 31 weeks pregnant so i feel we need to mix it up. i know i dont really have a lot of people that read my blog but lets hope that will change. i want to turn this blog into a mommy/girly blog. if that makes sence to anyone lol. like i was saying im 31 weeks pregnant and it is a boy. its defenetely very exciding however scary but we will talk about that in my next post. i will try o use this blog as often as i can. til next time


Monday, November 30, 2009

loved it!

So i was browsing the web and i came across this picture of vanessa anne hudgens. i loved her outfit so much i thinks is so cute and fun and it seems so easy to put together too!

however... i would personally not wear a skirt that bright (thats just me)
so i found this skirt that is less bright.
this skirt is 20.00 at target super bargain! ok this is how it works, the out fit at the top with vanessa hudgens looks really cute because the bright skirt kindda gives the outfit a nice kick. and since this skirt from target is so neutral you might want to spice it up in a different way. i would probably wear a white tank top with a light gray cardigan and gold accesories.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

black friday

sooo today was the first day i actually went out to a black friday sale. i went to target, best buy, and walmart. i must say it really wasnt what i thought it would be... i expected EVERYTHING to be on sale but NO. I have to admit tho it was pretty interesting to see all those people running around the store like animals lol.



so in the end i just bought 3 really cool pens and a magazine.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So i finally got my own blog!
Its been something ive been wanting to do for a while now and i finally got around to do it:)
i just have to figure out how to work this thing.